Learn With Us
Stylish looks don’t get you booked. 

Become the go-to Style Expert instead of another style inspo on someone’s Pinterest board.

Ready to create content that makes your ideal clients say, “How are you in my head?” 



You Know I’m IN!
Stylish looks don’t get you booked. 

Become the go-to Style Expert instead of another style inspo on someone’s Pinterest board.

Ready to create content that makes your ideal clients say, “How are you in my head?” 



You Know I’m IN!

Question for the Style Experts in the back…

Are you tired of watching your style expertise get lost in the online shuffle? 

(if you’re here, the answer is ‘yes!’) 

  • That’s why you don’t need to conform to the trends you see, even from the popular influencers who claim to reel in upwards of $15K/month…
  • You don’t need to send countless cold DMs to prospects, crossing your fingers that someone, anyone, will respond…
  • You don’t even need to post 3 times a day to gain more visibility and followers… 
At this stage in the game, your only focus should be creating authentic, value-packed content as a Style Expert that makes your ideal clients sit up and pay attention (while pulling out their credit cards!).

Imagine how dope life would be if you could…

  • Wake up every morning excited to run your styling business because you’ve mastered the art of articulating your value and positioning
  • Attract mad leads through your content and freebie offer, taking you from “broke and burnt out” to “Booked and BADASS” status
  • Shift from presenting style boards and OOTDs to sharing straight-up solutions for your ideal clients’ style dilemmas using the Client Style Phase™ as a guide
  • Show up as a Style Expert with confidence on 100 because you finally have the right words to convey your style expertise
  • Increase your client base and double (even triple!) your styling business’s monthly income 
Enticing, huh?

Here’s what I need to know before we proceed…

As a dope Personal Stylist or Style Coach, shouldn’t you now be in a position to let your content do all the heavy lifting for you? 

But, sadly, this is your reality…
You’re tired of blending in and the constant chase for clients. You long for a way to convert prospects to paying clients with a simple rinse-and-repeat method.
This isn’t some lofty goal; this can and should be an integral part of your styling business. 
Ask me how I know.

In fact, take it from Brandy, who landed a client who booked her highest-tiered styling offer! Utilizing our Style to Profit Video™ formula, she tapped into her potential client's Style Stage® and created content that make "yes" a no-brainer response!


X ““All I need to do is post consistently to get more clients.”
Consistency is only a part of the equation. The other part is creating and sharing content with your ideal clients top of mind. After all, they’re watching and listening to discover what’s in it for them. Don’t squander your chance to relate to them on a real level!
 X "I don’t have time to dedicate to content planning.”
Look, I know you have many responsibilities, but content planning is a must. The great news is that you have tools to help you significantly reduce your planning time. The key is getting clear on your messaging so you can train the tool to deliver the results you want. 
 X “I don’t have anything unique to share with my ideal clients that makes me stand out as a Style Expert.”
Lies! That’s why it’s critical to produce purposeful content bolstered by targeted messaging. Because we’re no longer doling out the “here’s my cute outfit” posts; instead, we’re moving into client-focused content that makes your ideal clients think about their current state and what it’s costing them. So, even if you created content on the same topic as Style Experts, your unique perspective and delivery will make you stand out.
We’re on to better things.
Because anyone can crank out generic content for likes and follows.

But, what if, instead, you turned the styling industry on its head with content specific to one type of client and their style dilemmas?

What if you curated your messaging so well that your dream client found you organically and downloaded your lead magnet?

What if, from there, they booked a style direction call to learn more simply because your content SPOKE to them?

Creating better content means attracting better clients, which helps you…

Establish your authority with unwavering precision and confidence, positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your style niche!

You’ve been there, done that with washed-up fluff content.

And you can’t afford to keep ignoring the reality that you’re not closing sales like you should.

You’re at the right place at the right time. 
Here’s a hard lesson I learned as a Style Expert…
It doesn’t matter how stylish you are or how aesthetically pleasing your posts are; these factors will only get you looks and saves (sorry, not sorry).
Content mastery is the catalyst for conversions, and your messaging is the lifeblood of your content.
So, you're leaving money on the table if you’re not speaking your ideal clients’ language (even the words they don’t want to but NEED to hear).
That’s one of the reasons I founded Style Coach Academy®. I wanted to teach my clients how to expertly articulate their value and present unique solutions, whether a Personal Stylist or Style Coach. 
I didn’t want anyone else to “figure it out” like I was forced to do. 
Today, SCA® has served well over 100 Style Experts, and we’re just getting started! These dope ladies have walked away with more content clarity and direction, helping them generate repeatable income! 
So, Style Expert to Style Expert…consider this your chance to become an authority, starting with your content. All you have to do is follow the roadmap, love. Ready?


“I increased my lead generation and social media following with talking head videos!” 

Here’s what’s inside
Style Content Mastery™


  • Communicate with your ideal clients using content and messaging that conveys your level of expertise, no matter where you show up.
  • Explain the value of your services so well that potential clients see their style dilemmas solved with YOU as their guide.


  • Up the ante on your content efforts with intentional, client-focused messaging, fully aligned with your Client Style Stage™.
  • Leverage AI tools to plan, repurpose, and reimagine your social media posts, helping you connect with your audience and reclaim your already limited time. 


  • Welcome a marketing plan that delivers results. From leveraging organic social media tactics to implementing offline tactics to score clients, you'll have the tools and strategies to become more visible and attract your ideal clients consistently.


  • Make lead generation a priority with an attractive problem-solving freebie offer, created specifically for your ideal client.
  • Learn how to use email marketing to nurture and win the business of your email subscribers.

Repeat after me…

”I want to master my content!”




SAVE MORE with a 1-time payment 

(payment plans offered via Affirm or After Pay)



Instagram Caption Prompts

Get over 15 prompts to help you spark conversations to drive action! Each prompt is designed to inject personality into your content, so say ‘goodbye’ to writer's block and ‘hello’ to effortless creativity. These prompts serve as your creative boosters, enhancing your Instagram posts, stories, and newsletters.

15-Day Reel Challenge

This 15-Day Reel Challenge is a pathway to nurture and captivate your audience over three weeks. Designed to warm up your audience with a burst of pure value, this challenge is your ticket to building meaningful connections and fostering engagement like never before.

Grow Lead Using DM Automation

This guide will teach you how to leverage ManyChat to build leads and grow your email list on autopilot.

Wait! Want to maximize your impact even more?


Here’s Your Exclusive Bundle Offer


(save $400 when you combine these two must-have programs) 

I want in!

Q's and A's

Not ready to commit just yet?

You’re a match for Style Content Mastery™ if…

  • You’re a newbie or seasoned Style Expert who has already established your business structure but requires guidance to create intentional content and messaging to attract and convert more clients
  • You’ve been posting just to post or sharing the wrong content, attracting the wrong audience
  • You have no problem putting in the work to improve and market your content
  • In fact, you’ve already recognized the importance of mastering your style content, so now you’re prepared to ACT
  • You love the idea of booking more calls simply by tightening up your messaging 
  • You’re excited to learn how to differentiate your business in the oversaturated fashion industry using content as a powerful (and lucrative) vehicle 

Whether you're an aspiring or seasoned Style Expert, this program is your ticket to mastering the art of messaging that captivates your prospects and lands you those clients who say, "Hell, Yes!”


"I went booking people I know to attracting aligned clients through my content!"