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Believe me when I say... 

The Grass is Greener Without a Laundry List of Styling Services


Get rid of those one-hit-wonder offers and create top-selling packages that'll make "booked out" your new lifestyle.


My offers need some TLC!

Why do you think you haven’t yet reached the pinnacle of your styling career?

If you guessed, “I need to create more offers,” you’d be wrong.
Even if you guessed, “My prices are too low,” I’d have to disagree with you.
Don’t get me wrong; these are legitimate concerns for some Style Experts.
But these reasons aren’t the root cause of your business plateau. It’s deeper than that.

Tell me, how would it feel to…

  • Book clients effortlessly without the constant chase 
  • Have a strong business model that consistently converts
  • Establish yourself as a leading Style Expert within your niche
  • Make consistent income from your styling business 
  • Create a reputation for offering tailored solutions that meet your clients exactly where they are
Sounds glorious, right?
I have the perfect solution to make this your reality.

As a committed and hella talented Style Expert, shouldn’t you be able to effortlessly attract and close clients who scream, “Take all my damn money!”?

Because you don’t need any ole’ clients.
You need aligned clients excited to work with you and experience a new way of thinking and being. 
And at this point in your styling career, you feel like you’ve earned the right to choose exactly who you want to serve without a discount or accommodation in sight (because the package is the package, and the price is the price!).
You’ve put in the work, so your sole focus is creating bankable, repeatable results…and that’s 100% possible! 

It doesn’t have to be this way, love.

Just take a look at Mary, who more than doubled her return on investment by joining the program.
X “I’ll lose sales if I don’t adjust my packages or rates to meet my ideal client’s budget.”
Frankly, this isn’t behavior an ideal client exhibits! Your pricing and packages reflect the caliber of your services, and that should never be up for debate or negotiation.
X "The industry is so unpredictable, especially right now. I don’t see how I can consistently meet my revenue goals as a Personal Stylist or Style Coach.”
I’m here to tell you that you CAN! The industry is irrelevant when you target the right clientele, create and reinforce a custom roadmap for your business, and implement effective sales strategies.
X "Limiting my services will also limit my clientele!"
Not true! A streamlined service suite is the SWEET spot for Style Experts. The most effective way to convert clients consistently is to help them avoid decision fatigue. Make it easy for them to do business with you. 

This is not how it should be, and it’s not your fault you held these beliefs for so long.


Consider today the day you reframe your way of thinking.

How is this possible, you ask?

The best way to book out your calendar and attract aligned clients is through differentiation and specificity.


I know, I know…all these online gurus tell you to “steal their formula” or “replicate their process” to win more clients.

But what if I told you crafting a unique style process separates the good Style Experts from the AH-MAZING ones?


Listen, it doesn’t matter that you’re damn good at what you do. It doesn’t even matter that fashion is your passion and you show up for your business every day.

What does and will always matter is your ability to weave differentiation and specificity into your business model, which in turn…

  • Helps you reach your revenue goals without stressing about the next dollar 
  • Gives you a competitive edge that another Style Expert can’t jack, even if they tried
  • Creates an exclusive, one-of-a-kind client experience from beginning to end
  • Makes you a more in-tune salesperson and marketer, satisfying the needs and goals of your ideal client
You don’t want to offer your clients anything less than “I SEE you” solutions to their style dilemmas.
You can’t afford not to, love.
This means you can’t continue to play the guessing game with your styling offers.
No more. It’s time to apply some pressure. 
Do you want to know how I managed to leave my corporate job (with a hefty salary, too, might I add) to start my styling business full-time? 
I became clear on what I do, who I serve, and, most importantly, HOW I do what I do, as only I can.
I birthed Style Coach Academy® out of love for the work and a lot of frustration. I was tired of struggling to find viable information to help me launch and grow my styling business. I didn’t want anyone else to experience what I did.
During the early days, I watched potential clients and profits go down the drain because I had no clue how to price and package my styling offers. I was all over the place, and my revenue showed it.
It wasn’t until I developed unique processes, narrowed down my offers, and created rinse-and-repeat sales strategies that I hit (often exceeded) my monthly revenue goals…and welcomed dream clients into my program with open arms!
 So, Style Expert to Style Expert…this is your sign to tap into a program that takes the guesswork out of packaging and presenting your offers. Your impact and profits are at stake, and we’re done leaving our businesses to chance. 

"SCAÂŽ helped me take my offers from 3-figures to 4 & 5-figure offers."

Get ready for…

The “Holy Grail” of Style Expert programs that walks you through creating irresistible styling offers that practically sell themselves.

Through five modules chock-full of immersive lessons, you’ll learn how to build a styling business that stands the test of time with Style Coach Academy's® proven methods. 
Get excited to create your business framework, style methodology, styling offers that attract A-1 clientele, and learn client outreach techniques to hit your revenue goals month after month.

Style Offers That Sell Out™ has the juicy components your styling business has been missing…


Establish and coin your styling business with authority and credibility using a one-of-a-kind framework that informs how you deliver results. Stand out as a Style Expert who attracts the caliber of clients willing (and able) to pay for your expertise and exclusive style offers.


Lose the laundry list of styling services and hone in on your ideal clients’ style dilemmas. Identify which styling packages to sell and price your services accordingly to achieve your income goals. You’ll even learn how to produce styling offers that include the clothes, taking one more thing off your client’s to-do list. Using the Style Profit Formula™ and the Style to Profit Calculator™ as guides, you’ll stop lowballing your rates and undercharging your services once and for all!


Set up and customize systems to support an extraordinary client experience. From the initial style direction call to collecting coins, create a seamless, no-stress process that gives your potential clients all the feels and peace of mind.


Communicate confidently with potential clients, navigating potential objections without cheesy salesy vibes. Learn how to ask the right questions to yield favorable results, even during the offboarding process when it’s time to request those valuable client testimonials!

The next step is to say, “I want to be an in-demand Style Expert,” and…

You’ll gain access to everything you need to leverage the power of perfectly packaged styling offers.




SAVE MORE with a 1-time payment 

(payment plans offered via Affirm or After Pay)



Wardrobe Allowance Assessment

This comprehensive tool helps style experts analyze the current shopping habits of potential clients. By conducting this assessment, style experts can determine whether individuals are overspending or underspending on their wardrobe. The Wardrobe Allowance Assessment also facilitates the creation of a new wardrobe for clients, offering a structured 4-level wardrobe-building pace system. Ultimately, it empowers style experts to tailor their services to meet each client's unique needs and shopping preferences, ensuring a personalized and effective wardrobe transformation

“Where to shop for your clients” Guide

This guide gives you the inside scoop to help create an elevated style experience for your clients. Say ‘goodbye’ to guesswork and start pinpointing the perfect stores for your clients. This intuitive guide is tailored to their shopping preferences, budget, and style.


Still Undecided?

You're a perfect fit for Style Offers That Sell Out™ if...

  • You’re a newbie or seasoned Style Expert who has already established your business structure but now requires guidance to create styling packages and processes to boost lead generation and close more sales
  • You’ve been customizing your offers on a whim and presenting too many offers that's confusing your potential client
  • You have no problem putting in the work to attract your ideal clients and generate more consistent revenue
  • In fact, you may have established a level of success in your styling business already, but you’re at the point where you want bigger and better
  • You love the idea of meeting your clients where they are because…not everyone needs a makeover
  • You’re excited to learn how to differentiate your business in the oversaturated fashion industry, attracting dream clients with specificity while hitting your monthly revenue goals
  • You’re also hella excited to learn how to create three styling offers by client Style Stage™
There will always be a huge demand for skilled Personal Stylists or Style Coaches to be the visionaries behind promotional opportunities across various industries. But sometimes, you need a reminder and expert guidance to see all the possibilities.
This program is here to be the guiding force that solidifies your place in the styling industry and develops an aspect of your business that could potentially transform your LIFE in a short 4-6 weeks. Ready to tap into your inner BADASS?


“I 3xed the income in my styling business.”